ঘর ভাঙানো: Break up home ; sow the seeds of dissension in a family.
Related Words
ঘনভাঙানে  ঘর ভাঙানো  ঘা শুকানো  ঘুম ভাঙানো  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Acceptable to(গ্রহণযোগ্য): Such behavior is just not acceptable in this school.
Aim at(আঘাত করার জন্য লক্ষ্য স্থির করা): The hunter aimed at the tiger.
Appropriate to(যোগ্য): His answer is appropriate to the question.
Shout at (চিৎকার করে ডাকা): Do not shout at your parents.
Thirst for (তৃষ্ণা, আকাঙ্ক্ষা): A wise man has no thirst for wealth.
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A bed of roses - (সুখকর অবস্থা): Life is not a bed of roses.
Bad names (গালমন্দ—n) He called the man bad names.
Cut a sorry figure (খারাপ ফল করা): He cuts a sorry figure in the examination.
Rank and file (সাধারণ লোক): We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.
Red letter day (স্মরণীয় দিন): The 16th December is a red letter day for us.